S1: Narrator
The story of Alistair, Roy, Khadija, Akil and Dotun is the story of life. Of people and their good and bad intentions. Of intentions that morph into decisions that bring life to some, and death to others. Of choices made for the satisfaction of self, and choices made for the sacrifice of self.
You may be on edge with disgust and outrage thinking Roy doesn’t deserve this, but in real life whether deserved it or not, Roy faces this, and then Roy has to make a choice for better or for worse of how to react.
Some of you may empathise with Khadija, her frustrations, being caught in compiling moments of weakness, giving birth to temptation, seduction and betrayal. You may relate to the juxtaposition of loyalty & happiness when it seems they are both travelling in different directions…alternatively you may feel anger, and want her to be found out in humiliating and explosive fashion. In real life, Khadijas make the untoward choice again and again, and the Roys have to deal with it, and sometimes the Khadija’s even go on to be happier. Sometimes even the Roys go on to be too.
And what of the peripheral players? The Alistairs, the Akils and the Dotuns? We know them too. We work for them or with them. They are our friends and our enemies.
What’s my point? My point is that there’s no way to round up this story in a way that would suit every moral direction or inclination. Because life is not as neat. Life, just, is. And sometimes what is unjust and what is right, what is perceived as a betrayal and what is glorified as a quest for happiness, comes down purely to subjective notions based on the individual moral values of those interacting with the stories.
What I’m trying to say is, my job isn’t to tie up loose ends. It is simply to make you…ride the wave.
Originally posted: July 29, 2020