Bones & Marrow
As if to say the end of the story is already signed, sealed and delivered.
Resilience has been carved into my skin by life's indiscriminate knife attacks.
Not a drop has been shed in vain.
These droplets stand alone as strife and warfare, but together form a red carpet of glamour and prestige, over bones that demand the healing of lacerated flesh and a broken spirit.
These are war wounds, and how can you can you be a warrior without the wounding, without the redemption?
The answer is you can't.
So we shouldn't fear the exposure of our bones - our most sensitive parts sliced back and our substance laid bare.
We should fear deficient marrow that would rob our skeletons of peace, endurance and viability, amidst the rebirth of our skin.
A weak mind leads to weak marrow...and bones that cannot stand, crumple to the ground lifeless, bloodless and defeated.
But... Resilience has been carved into my skin by life's indiscriminate knife attacks.
Not a drop has been shed in vain.
And may the clots of your wounds, knit a tartan quilt of resistance over worn bones, deny your devastations, and mend flesh upon hope & perseverance.
First published: July 2nd 2015